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Cast Vortex
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Cast Vortex

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ObjectTake apart and reassemble the pieces
DifficultyLevel 10 - Mind Boggling
TypesHanayama Metal Puzzles, Akio Yamamoto
Dimensions2 1/8 in x 2 in x 3/4 in / 5.3 cm x 5.2 cm 2 cm

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Product Info

Get sucked into the challenge of the Cast Vortex metal puzzle! This intricately designed puzzle from Hanayama Huzzle requires you to use your problem solving skills to take apart and reassemble it. With its unique design and challenging solution, this puzzle is a whirlpool of fun and intellect.

The three pieces each have a spiral body and two protrusions. When assembled together, each piece is unified into a flat object. In order to undo this complex entanglement it will be necessary to unbind them three dimensionally. From Japanese designer Akio Yamamoto, this cyclonic metal puzzle is sure to challenge the most accomplished puzzle enthusiast.

Product Details

  • Material: Metal.
  • Category: Metal Puzzles.
  • Difficulty level: Mind boggling, 10/10.


Ideal for

  • Gift for him or her.
  • Brain teaser puzzle enthusiasts and collectors.
  • Adults seeking a unique and challenging 3D metal puzzle.
  • Hard to buy for individuals.
  • Birthday or Christmas gift.
  • Those who enjoy metal mechanical puzzles and brain teasers
  • Custom puzzle collectors.
  • Anyone looking for a unique and thought provoking gift.
  • Those seeking a challenge for themselves or someone else.
Note: Our level rating system is different than Hanayama's. Hanayama's level 1 is equivalent to our level 5, their level 6 is equivalent to our level 10.


Customer Reviews

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4.9 rating

27 Reviews

Disclaimer: These reviews are written by our customers. Puzzle Master makes every attempt to keep these posts informative and relevant. If you find a post objectionable or inappropriate, please let us know by sending an email to [email protected]

    On Thursday March 28th Jim Dietrick wrote,
I am proud to report that I disassembled it on about 45 minutes. I can't say I could repeat it quickly, but I know conceptually what I did to take it apart. I have an open chain of the three pieces in the correct orientation and have didn't about 10 minutes trying to make the last link. I am expecting that the re assembly is going to take significantly longer than disassembly. I found Trinity to be a harder disassembly than Vortex, but they are both outstanding puzzles. How anyone designs these is beyond me. I highly recommend taking pics as you advance through the puzzle, otherwise just linking the chain together correctly is going to be guess work and it's very easy to do wrong. Go get this puzzle!
    On Saturday February 24th annony mous wrote,
I borrowed someone I know's puzzle, solved it, then had to look up a tutorial because i had NO IDEA how I got it apart, much less how to get it back on.
    On Friday November 17th Glenn C. Rhoads wrote,
Everything a puzzle should be. Great puzzle design and extremely well made. It took me several hours to get apart and put back together which is unusually long for me. Unlike most other reviewers, my reassembly time was comparable to my disassembly time though I can see why it might take a lot longer to put back together. I was able to recall two intermediate positions and it turned out that that was enough to enable me to get the pieces back together. If you don't remember any intermediate positions, then the puzzle would be next to impossible to put back together. I actually like this puzzle better than all of Hanayama level 6 puzzles with the exception of "Enigma" which is the true jewel of the level 6 puzzles.
    On Thursday September 28th Callum wrote,
Vortex is a work of fine art. The disassembly steps are nigh on impossible to remember because of the similarity of the elements and the complexity of the movements, which makes reassembly the true challenge of this puzzle. The satisfaction of seeing the pieces finally slide back together is well worth the hours of tinkering. Be warned that it is essential to pay heed to certain combinations when taking it apart. My son had it in pieces and was well on the way to solving the assembly far faster than I managed, but he made an error that never becomes apparent. He shed tears over it. I almost did trying to figure out what he'd done wrong. Surely one of the most difficult Hanayama puzzles to master. Chain is logical simplicity in comparison. My only remaining question is how the hell did Akio Yamamoto create this? It's absolutely brilliant.
    On Monday March 21st luxige wrote,
A work of puzzle art. Extremely challenging and should definitely be rated at the highest difficulty. For comparison, Cast Elk is a Level 10 (Hanayama 6) and uses far fewer and less intricate movements in the solution, also has few possible dead ends. Vortex has several dead ends and very subtle intricacies. Elk should be a 9 and Vortex should be a 10. While solving, I had to resort to taking lots of pictures because I couldn't keep track of all the movements in my head. I probably had 50 or 60 shots on my phone, most of which were dead ends. But after repeating the solution a few times, it's easy to remember.
    On Sunday October 6th Shaggy wrote,
This puzzle must be in Top 3 of the most difficult Cast puzzles! It is my first acquaitence with the Cast puzzles - several years ago, one roommate of mine got it for his birthday. I tried to separate it, but was not able to. He managed to do it and put it back together. And now, I bought it for myself and disassembled it by chance. Then, when putting it back together, I saw that I miss something, so I tried to apply logic by looking at the assembled version (its back side, as depicted on the picture above). Thus, I checked every two pieces how they should come together. After that, assembling was a matter of precision and slow movements. It is a beautiful puzzle, when assembled. Too bad the pieces look like "6" - I had an idea about a similar puzzle, but this one is enough for torturing (the best comment on this page is by "Scott" - I can say no more about the pain Vortex can cause).
    On Friday October 26th Kayseir wrote,
I got the Vortex for my birthday. This is a gift that keeps on giving. It took a month to solve and satisfied the challenge without becoming annoying. Great Puzzle!
    On Thursday March 15th Scott wrote,
All I can say is, this is a fantastic nightmare of a puzzle. Beautiful, and extremely humbling. I suspect that over time it could cause brain damage. Be careful.
    On Sunday April 24th Alex wrote,
This is a puzzle that will take you on a journey. Took me weeks, although I have to say the "think crest" hint was not at all helpful. Vortex is one of life's memorable treasures, and i would give it six stars if the ratings allowed it. An adventure, a challenge, and a work of rare art and beauty.
    On Thursday April 7th vvigh wrote,
Obviously my favourite this far. This puzzle has all I want from a puzzle: supercool design, no force needed, extrem difficulty (I solved about 15 Hanayama's this far, and I think Vortex beats any other by at least two level), one needs ideas to solve it, but logic helps a lot (especially when putting together). Simply love it.
    On Friday January 7th Thomas wrote,
Defiantly one of my favorites. love the look. love the dimensions of this puzzle. A lot of fun to solve.
    On Wednesday June 9th mitekphoto wrote,
Wonderful, it took me an hour to break it apart. Entangling this thing back was really the most fun part, I expected it to last for days, but surprisingly, it only took about 40 min, maybe because I made a note of the final key entanglement position, just before the complete breakup. It is really one of the best Hanayamas.
    On Tuesday September 15th Paul wrote,
I am usually pretty good at these sorts of puzzles, solving most in a a few minutes to an hour. This one has humbled me. Taking it apart was trivial, but getting it back together... OUCH! Day 2, still trying (and doing my best to avoid downloading the solution).
    On Sunday July 26th PRCIUS wrote,
VERY hard to get apart... was able to get it apart 8 days after I got it... BUT I did not spend a lot of time on it each day!
    On Saturday July 25th EasyOne wrote,
This is the best hanayama puzzle i made till now. It took me a whole day to solve this... at the end of the day my hands were ready to explode but i felt better after solving this. And yeah this should get a difficulty rate of 10 compared with the others.
    On Friday April 24th SEINFELD wrote,
What's the deal with the Vortex? You can take it apart, but good luck putting it back together! What's the deeeeal with that?
    On Thursday April 16th timeless wrote,
This puzzle is exceedingly difficult. Unlike others, once I got it apart, putting it together was easier than pulling it apart for me. Probably because each time I got further along in the solution, I would backtrack to make sure I understood what I did. I really, really REALLY like this puzzle. But I did hate it for a day or two!
    On Wednesday February 18th Pentti wrote,
I have to say, this is the most difficult Hanayama that i´ve seen. I thought that Enigma was difficult, but it was not.......
    On Wednesday February 18th JohnnyZ wrote,
This puzzle is absolutely beautiful! It took me a good while to figure how to take it apart, but since I spent so much time figuring out how to take it apart I was able to put it back together when I finally figured out the last step. I really enjoyed this one! FIVE STARS!!!
    On Tuesday February 10th Hanzi wrote,
Very hard puzzle. Even with the solution it took me a lot of practices to solve it smoothly. Very well designed. Hats off to anyone who can put it back together without peeping!
    On Thursday December 25th Andrea wrote,
Wasn't that hard getting them apart... but I'm stumped on how to get it back together!!!! Still won't ask for the solution but darn i'm tempted just in case it will give me a clue how to put it back together. Would love to show it to my Dad but it's a bit ridiculous giving it to him in it's current condition :D
    On Wednesday December 24th Kevin wrote,
Pretty hard puzzle got it apart can't get it back together for the life of me though.
    On Tuesday December 23rd Rhianna wrote,
This is a really hard puzzle i'm still working it i can't get it a part this thing is getting on my nerves.
    On Wednesday November 26th Brian wrote,
This is a really beautiful puzzle. Harder to get back together than it is to take it apart.
    On Sunday November 9th Pentti wrote,
I had to download solution for this. It was quite hard to solve this even with solution. Really hard puzzle.
    On Tuesday October 28th Pentti wrote,
Still working with this. I got pieces separated, but no hope to put it back to the original shape. ( i have been close, (??) but still it feels impossible.)
    On Friday October 24th Pentti wrote,
Oh my god, this really should be rated 10 ( or 6 stars in Hanayama). Really hard, i´ve been speding hours and hours with this. I got it "broken" but I don´t get pieces separated neither to the original position. Loosing my nerves :-( Wishes form Finland ;-)
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