Because of the hand-made nature of the box, the picture or pattern may have slight variations.
This is a well made wooden puzzle box that doubles as a money (coin) box. There is a hidden entrance that has a slot which allows small coins to enter. The box itself requires 9 steps to open the main compartment.
Japanese puzzle boxes are handmade with superb quality. They combine amazing artistry and design with the challenge of puzzle. There is only one combination to open each box. Sides of the box move or slide to allow other pieces to move as well. These actions, performed in the right combination will open the lid. These beautiful boxes are perfect for gifts or wonderful as a conversation piece or keepsake.
The decorative patterns are called Yosegi, which is an elaborate wood mosaic work treasured in Japan since old days. Making best use of natural fine grains and textures or wood make the mosaic work. Timbers of different colors are cut into rods and then glued together. The surface is then sliced into thin plates of wood which are attached to boxes. Glaze and finish coating are applied to ensure a durable exterior.
The "sun" in the name is a Japanese form of measurement. Each "sun" is approximately 3 centimetres in box length. The more steps in the name - the harder it is to open the box. The last part of the title is the name of the pattern displayed on the box.
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