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Caesar's Riches - Escape Room in a Box
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Caesar's Riches - Escape Room in a Box

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ObjectOpen the box.
DifficultyLevel 10 - Mind Boggling
BrandInscape Box
TypesWooden Puzzle Boxes, Sequential Discovery, Puzzle Boxes / Trick Boxes
Dimensions12cm x 13 cm x 11 cm/ 4.72 in x 5.12 in x 4.33 in
PackagingCardboard box

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Product Info

Get ready to be challenged by our puzzle boxes for adults! Find out if you’ll manage to open the treasury and unveil the Caeser´s treasure with the new INSCAPE creative game that will push your limits to the edge.

Done in 150-210 Minutes: Our escape room in a box is a great way to have fun on your own or with family and friends. Each of our 3D brain teaser puzzles features 210 individual parts that have been carefully assembled by hand.

After you have solved the wooden puzzle box, you can easily reassemble the puzzle box and play again! Additionally, you can use these secret boxes for hiding small presents or money for your loved ones. The box is also suitable for puzzle beginners and has a difficulty level of 4,5 out of 5.

We have designed our brain teaser puzzles for adults as a journey that will keep you on your toes. Each INSCAPE box hides a coin. As soon as you’ve solved 8 INSCAPE puzzles, you can turn the coins into a new and exciting puzzle

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Disclaimer: These reviews are written by our customers. Puzzle Master makes every attempt to keep these posts informative and relevant. If you find a post objectionable or inappropriate, please let us know by sending an email to [email protected]

    On Friday February 14th sk203 wrote,
Almost all the time spent on this puzzle is the first step in this puzzle. Rather than it being difficult, it's just time consuming. The rest isn't particularly difficult and it's easy enough to figure out each step. One step, the clue is just borderline impossible to see. Even knowing what the clue was, I could barely see it. Overall, it has the cool aspects of taking a puzzle apart one step at a time, but it feels more frustrating than fun and rewarding.
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