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Truncated Cluster Buster
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Truncated Cluster Buster

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ObjectTake apart and reassemble the plastic pieces.
DifficultyLevel 7 - Challenging
BrandPacific Puzzleworks
Types3D Printed Puzzles, Stewart Coffin, Lee Krasnow
Dimensions7.3 cm x 7.3 cm x 7.3 cm / 2.9 in x 2.9 in x 2.9 in
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info


Based on Stewart Coffin's "Cluster Buster" puzzle, but this version is made with truncated ends.  Made in 3 color 3D printed plastic by Pacific Puzzleworks.

This puzzle is really difficult to get apart (thus the name) because it requires pushing in specific locations to get the piece to slide apart. Reassembly is quite challenging too because an awkward grip is required in order to hold each group of pieces together, and steady hands are needed in order to simultaneously align 12 pointy tips in just the right way before it’s possible to get the pieces started sliding back together again.

The truncated ends on this version make it slightly less difficult than the original, because the flattened ends make it easier to grasp.

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