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Keebox Blue - Sequential Discovery Puzzle Box
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Keebox Blue - Sequential Discovery Puzzle Box

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ObjectFind the hidden token.
DifficultyLevel 6 - Tricky
TypesRoger & Pascal Hunziker, Sequential Discovery, 3D Printed Puzzles, Puzzle Boxes / Trick Boxes
Dimensions7.2 cm x 7.2 cm x 8 cm / 2.8 in x 2.8 in x 3.1 in
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

Keebox Blue is a 3D printed, sequential discovery puzzle box that was designed and produced in Switzerland by Keebox Puzzles. It requires a series of steps and the use of tools you will find along the way.  The puzzle is solved when you find the hidden token.

Serving as an ideal initiation to the Keebox universe, the blue puzzle box offers a great introductory challenge. Completion time varies based on experience, ranging from 10 to 45 minutes. 
Measures approximately 2,5 inches.

Embark on a journey with this exceptionally creative and well-received line of sequential discovery puzzles.

Customer Reviews

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5 rating

6 Reviews

Disclaimer: These reviews are written by our customers. Puzzle Master makes every attempt to keep these posts informative and relevant. If you find a post objectionable or inappropriate, please let us know by sending an email to [email protected]

    On Saturday January 4th Robin wrote,
This is a fantastic sequential discover puzzle with a very satisfying solve and good variety in what is required for each step. As other's have mentioned, this might be one of the best gateways to this style of puzzle that I've seen and is a great intro to the series! The company/creator also provide unparalleled customer service. Fan for life!
    On Saturday January 4th Caroline wrote,
This Keebox puzzle was fun to solve, though slightly infuriating by moments as I don't have the mind of a puzzle master. However, the satisfaction I got when I solved it was fabulous. Moreover, one of the pieces of the puzzle was defective. I contacted the Keebox team and they solved the issue in a timely manner. Their customer service is incredible. They are nice, efficient, professional and knowledgeable. I recommend their puzzles to everyone! I'm looking forward to trying their other ones!
    On Tuesday July 16th OhPuzz wrote,
This is an absolutely A+ puzzle box and fantastic quality 3d printing. Can't recommend it highly enough!
    On Monday June 17th Jeff Strider wrote,
This was such a fun easy sequential discovery puzzle. This would be a perfect intro to sequential discovery puzzles. As the other reviewers have said it is easy, but not 10 minutes easy. Took me about 15-20 min. For being 3D printed everything moves and is constructed well. Keebox is a little pricey, but they are worth it. Keebox yellow is one of my all time favorites!
    On Wednesday March 27th Pete L wrote,
I really like this one, it's very satisfying. Pretty easy, but I wouldn't say as easy as they suggest! It says 10 minutes, "easy peasy". I would say, 20 minutes, "easy". But just a great beginner sequential discovery with multiple fun elements that experienced puzzlers will enjoy too.
    On Monday February 5th Mike Jackson wrote,
Firstly , many thanks to Puzzlemaster who managed to get this to me in the UK so quickly. They always help me with any issues. Puzzle is not difficult but very satisfying to do,
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