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Tin Woodman's Heart - Puzzle Treasure Box
Object | Open the box. |
Difficulty | Level 7 - Challenging |
Brand | iDventure |
Types | Wooden Puzzle Boxes, Puzzle Boxes / Trick Boxes |
Dimensions | 7.8 cm x 7.6 cm x 3.8 cm / 3.1 in x 3 in x 1.5 in |
Packaging | Cardboard Box |
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Product Info
Tin Woodman's Heart is a palm-sized mechanical box with a lock and resettable combination. The key to open the box is a sentence combined out of 3 words, which can be changed. You can set it as a romantic code set the key as "I love you" or you can set it as a fun message e.g. "I love beer". There are 8 options/words on each wheel and you can use the possible combinations and set the key sentence that suits you the best. This box was designed as a fun box to give on Valentine's day or any other similar occasion. Some setup required.
The facts about the game:
• Size: 78*76*38mm
• Secret space size: 70*70*12mm
• Can also be used as a sophisticated gift wrap
• Can be reset and the secret the sentence changed to one of the predefined options.
• Age: 14+
What is it made of?
• It is made with love of birch wood and wood oil.
• It consists of 30 individual parts which are crafted with care by hand.
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