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Ringflashe (Ring Bottle)
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Ringflashe (Ring Bottle)

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ObjectRemove the rope and return to start position.
DifficultyLevel 7 - Challenging
TypesMore Metal Puzzles, Jean Claude Constantin, Constantin Wire
Dimensions4.6 cm x 4.6 cm x 13.1 cm / 1.8 in x 1.8 in x 5.2 in

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Product Info

The Ring Bottle or Ringflashe puzzle challenges both your patience and problem-solving skills! In this tricky puzzle, you are presented with a tangled wire frame featuring a rope and bead entangled in cascading metal rings and a frame shaped like a bottle. The goal is deceptively simple: free the rope from the frame and then return it to its starting position.

To solve the puzzle, you must carefully maneuver the rope around the wire frame, making sure you follow the correct sequence of twists, turns, and slides. Be warned, it's not about brute force; the solution requires attention to detail and spatial reasoning.


Ringflashe was crafted by Jean-Claude Constantin, a renowned puzzle designer and manufacturer from Germany. Constantin is known for creating a wide range of innovative wood and metal puzzles, magic tricks, and intellectual toys and games.


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