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ObjectSolve the Maze
DifficultyLevel 8 - Demanding
TypesMaze Puzzles, Puzzle Games, Eldon Vaughn
DimensionsBoard Measure 6 2/3 in x 5 3/4 in x 1/2 in / 16.9 cm x 14.6 cm x 1.3 cm

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Product Info

16 Mazes, Right in Your Hand!

A maze that changes every time you play! Players must navigate this maze game using the attached stylus, pushing open movable gateways while avoiding traps and dead ends! An innovative twist on a classic maze game, Amaze’s diabolical shifting pathways change the solution path during play! With 16 unique challenges and no pieces to lose, Amaze is the ideal travel game!


  • 3 Levels of Difficulty
  • 16 Maze Challenges
  • 1 Hand-Held Maze With Stylus

Ages: 8+, Single Player
Brand:  Thinkfun

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