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Inner Mystic: Woodland March
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Inner Mystic: Woodland March

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ObjectPut together the jigsaw puzzle.
Type1000 Pieces
DimensionsApprox. 70 cm x 50 cm / 27 in x 20 in
PackagingCardboard Box
Total Pieces1000

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Product Info

Part of the Inner Mystic series by artist Andy Kehoe.

Step into a whimsical world with the Woodland March Inner Mystic puzzle by Heye.

The American artist Andy Kehoe creates intriguing mystic scenes.  He shows miraculous characters in moments of ethereal magic and spiritual adventure.  With his great understanding of emotions, his deft handling of light and his extraordinary techniques he turns his pictures into poetic narratives.

1000 Pieces
Finished size: Approx. 70 cm x 50 cm / 27 in x 20 in


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