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Cast Loop
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Cast Loop

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ObjectTake apart the loop
DifficultyLevel 5 - Easy
TypesHanayama Metal Puzzles, Vesa Timonen
Dimensions1 3/4 in / 4.4 cm diameter
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

Get ready to play "loop the loop" with the Cast Loop metal puzzle, a mind bending brain teaser that will put your problem solving skills to the test. This 3D puzzle from Hanayama Huzzle is designed to challenge your spatial reasoning and logic, with a seemingly simple design that hides a complex solution. With no instructions or obvious solution, you'll need to use your wits to figure out how to assemble it.

The objective is simple, separate into two pieces and then reassemble. Once assembled, put it on a chain or scarf and use as an accessory. From Finnish designer Vesa Timonen, the Cast Loop is perfect as a gift for the puzzle lover in your life or an easy, yet stimulating treat for yourself.

Product Details

  • Difficulty: Easy, 5/10.
  • Material: Metal.
  • Category: Metal Puzzles.


Ideal for

  • Brain teaser puzzle lovers looking for a unique challenge.
  • Children just learning about metal puzzles.
  • Adults seeking a fun and easy brain teaser.
  • Those searching for a unique gift for him or her.
  • Hard to buy for individuals.
  • Birthday or Christmas gifts.
  • Anyone looking for a custom puzzle that will test their problem solving skills.
  • Gift for him or her, or a treat for yourself.
Note: Our level rating system is different than Hanayama's.  Hanayama's level 1 is equivalent to our level 5, their level 6 is equivalent to our level 10.


Customer Reviews

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4.5 rating

13 Reviews

Disclaimer: These reviews are written by our customers. Puzzle Master makes every attempt to keep these posts informative and relevant. If you find a post objectionable or inappropriate, please let us know by sending an email to [email protected]

    On Friday December 8th River wrote,
The first time I solved this it took about 15 seconds and I was like "wtf did I just spend money on." But the amount of time I've spent playing with it as a desk toy is several hours at this point, I really enjoy half-solving it and then letting the one end hang from the other and pushing it back and forth. And it's kinda fun to show to non-puzzle people.
    On Saturday November 19th mzb wrote,
This is a beautiful little puzzle. So satisfying and lovely to hold and display.
    On Wednesday October 5th Jim T wrote,
Nice smooth feel, and the click when it loop comes together is delightful. Perhaps the easiest of all the Hanayamas. It's a good one to give to a friend or family member who isn't well-versed with puzzles, as a way to build up their confidence to tackle other puzzles.
    On Tuesday January 2nd DonB! wrote,
The simplistic nature of this puzzle makes it one of my favorite Hanayama puzzles. To solve it takes a simple "AHA" moment of discovery, and it is done. The fell of this puzzle makes it also a nice tactile puzzle, like most of the other Hanayama puzzles.
    On Wednesday September 20th Shaen wrote,
Cast Loop is among my favourite Hanayama puzzles. Although it is a simple puzzle,it may have you fiddling for hours before the inevitable 'aha' moment. Also among the most beautiful Hanayama puzzles created. Once solved,it can be used as a pendant as a leather necklace is included - a nice little touch. A good buy for collectors and beginners.
    On Tuesday January 13th Will wrote,
My parents got this for me for Christmas 2 years ago. Solved it almost immediately, but I still loved it. Ever since then, I've worn it on a chain around my neck like a pendant (the leather strap it came with for that purpose broke), and I must say, it makes a surprisingly effective ice breaker!
    On Saturday February 9th Pentti wrote,
Nice and fun puzzle.
    On Saturday February 18th Will wrote,
This puzzle is definitely terrific! I like it's smooth feeling in my hand, and the satisfying solution. Took me a 15 minutes or so, which is longer than my expectation. For a level one it's a little tricky, you need to think outside the "loop". I found that master puzzlers often had trouble with this one, but rookies solved it fairly quick. What I like best is that it come with a string so that you could put it on like a sort of necklace. Have it with me everyday now. In your puzzle collection, this one is unmistakable a must-have.
    On Saturday December 25th Jesse Jones wrote,
This puzzles is amazing. I got it at our Christmas Eve party along with Vortex. I figured it out right away and passed it to a few of my cousins to figure out. No one figured it out. Very cool puzzles, one of the best low leveled Hanayamas.
    On Monday December 13th Todd wrote,
It's hard to give such a simple puzzle too high a rating, as there's just not enough going on. It's pleasant to see and to hold and the solution can be surprisingly untuitive for some people, but in the end there's not much here. Even as a designated "easy first puzzle" for friends, I don't like that you should start with the disassembled puzzle (since the solution is trivial if you start with the assembled one). I like leaving my puzzles all nicely assembled on my desk ready to attract the innocent.
    On Thursday April 16th timeless wrote,
The puzzle can be really easy, I solved it from the not-put-together state in about 1.5 minutes. Some people seem to solve it in <30 seconds. But occasionally someone will fiddle with it for very long periods of time (up to an hour in one case) before finally giving up in disgust. So it can be hard for some people. Oddly, it seems the smartest or soberest people have the most difficulty with this puzzle.
    On Saturday January 17th MadnessR wrote,
Yes, it is easy, but watching my friends fiddle for 15-30 minutes is priceless! Good solid puzzle and beautifully crafted...
    On Saturday August 2nd JohnnyZ wrote,
This puzzle was of course very simple, but oddly fun! I like to carry it around just to play with it.
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