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ClueBox Pro: Sherlock's Camera - Escape Room in a box
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ClueBox Pro: Sherlock's Camera - Escape Room in a box

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ObjectOpen the box.
DifficultyLevel 10 - Mind Boggling
TypesWooden Puzzle Boxes, Sequential Discovery, Puzzle Boxes / Trick Boxes
Dimensions12 cm x 12 cm x 12 cm / 4.7 in x 4.7 in x 4.7 in
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

The Cluebox is an interactive, manually assembled wooden box with various puzzles, which have to be solved one after the other to open the box. Very much like an Escape Room in a handy format! The solution to each and every puzzle is based not on randomness, but only on logical decisions.

With every new Cluebox, puzzle lovers are getting more experienced and sophisticated in solving our puzzles, iDventure does its best to keep you challenged through inventing the finest mechanisms and using new materials such as magnets and marbles.

Containing more than 300 elements, Cluebox PRO Sherlock’s Camera is bringing the gameplay to a completely new advanced level of puzzle solving to please even the most enthusiastic puzzle fans. Sherlock's Camera has more locks and mechanisms than the previous Clueboxes, and the estimated solution time of the Cluebox PRO is almost twice as long!

The Story:  London 2023. During the inventory in Scotland Yard archives, an unclaimed parcel dated 1914 was discovered. Upon unwrapping, an object resembling a camera was revealed. However, the camera contained enigmatic symbols and locks instead of the common mechanism. A note was enclosed: Handwriting examination and other solid evidence helped to determine that the parcel was sent by none other than Sherlock Holmes! No one at Scotland Yard has succeeded in solving the detective's last mystery. Now we are passing the enigmatic camera on to you.

We are convinced you will be able to solve the puzzle and reveal the identity of Sherlock Holmes' successor!

The cluebox consists of 116 individual parts which are precisely cut from high quality birch wood using the finest laser technology.

Secret Space 5x2x2 cm
Box Size: 12x12x12 cm
Size with Tripod: 21 x 12 x 12 cm
Playtime: 90 - 120 minutes


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