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Trick Lock 3
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Trick Lock 3

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ObjectOpen the Lock
DifficultyLevel 6 - Tricky
BrandPuzzle Master
TypesPuzzle Locks, Metal Puzzle Locks
Dimensions2 5/16 in x 3 13/16 in x 1 3/16 in / 6 cm x 9.8 cm x 2.9 cm
PackagingClam Shell

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Product Info

Our Trick Locks are made from resistant and high quality metal, just like the real thing. The goal, as you might expect is to find the secret to unlock it. The design of the puzzle is quite unique and unusual, even for a Trick Lock, consisting of two keyholes and two identical keys. The Trick Lock 3 is the third of several versions in our Puzzle Master Trick Lock collection.

Customer Reviews

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4.2 rating

5 Reviews

Disclaimer: These reviews are written by our customers. Puzzle Master makes every attempt to keep these posts informative and relevant. If you find a post objectionable or inappropriate, please let us know by sending an email to [email protected]

    On Saturday January 11th Dominic wrote,
Not hard but tricky the 2 steps to figure it out were challenging and simple at the same time
    On Sunday March 27th Al Smith wrote,
A level 6 it says, it is close. Not hard but tricky, maybe 5 minute solve for me. Appears well built so you could give it to others and see if they can solve it. A fun starter puzzle.
    On Sunday September 12th Murtza khan wrote,
Very very nice product i am impress your act
    On Sunday September 30th Peter Groen wrote,
I bought this lock thinking that it was more challenging than it actually was. I solved it in maybe 3 minutes tops. And these kind of puzzles are not exactly my forte. That said, I've tried it with my co workers, and they seem to be having a tougher time with it, so maybe I lucked out. I do like the look, and yeah I'd say it's an ok place to start with puzzle locks
    On Tuesday December 26th Brian wrote,
This is a fun lock to play with. The solution is not as it seems and may take a bit to come by. It is not difficult by any means, but should give you several minutes or more of enjoyment. If you are looking to try out trick locks this is a good starting point, though I do recommend the 6 pack of locks if still available.
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