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Pico Lock
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Pico Lock

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ObjectOpen the lock
DifficultyLevel 9 - Gruelling
TypesMetal Puzzle Locks, Boaz Feldman
Dimensions6.3 cm x 4.3 cm x 1.4 cm / 2.5 in x 1.6 in x 0.6 in
PackagingFelt Bag

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Product Info

Introducing PicoLock: A Revolutionary Puzzle Lock by Boaz Feldman
PicoLock is unlike any other lock puzzle you've ever seen. Created by Boaz Feldman, this small 40mm lock features a one-of-a-kind mechanism that sets it apart from the rest. It comes with a key and securing ring, but don't expect it to open with ease once you insert the key into the keyhole. In fact, you might not be surprised at all by its unique design.

PicoLock, like our other puzzle locks, is constructed from brass and stainless steel, and has been designed based on a standard padlock.

The package comprises of the lock, a key, a securing ring, a fabric bag, and an instruction card.

Size: 64mm x 43mm x 13mm
Packaged in a felt bag



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5 rating

2 Reviews

Disclaimer: These reviews are written by our customers. Puzzle Master makes every attempt to keep these posts informative and relevant. If you find a post objectionable or inappropriate, please let us know by sending an email to [email protected]

    On Sunday December 3rd Chris wrote,
Clever little lock puzzle. Very enjoyable to solve. I usually leave a puzzle near my chair and pick it up for a few minutes at a time. This little guy provided several discovery surprises leading to ultimately opening it.
    On Friday November 17th Marcus wrote,
Fun puzzle lock, this has to be the best one Boaz has produced! And, that's saying a lot because they are all quality puzzles. This one deserves a 9 rating, even though I was able to finish it in a day, the aha moments were truly exciting! I've done harder puzzles, but this one, all the tricks are really fun and flow together nicely.
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