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Blackbird in a Cage
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Blackbird in a Cage

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ObjectRemove the Blackbird
DifficultyLevel 8 - Demanding
TypeMore Wood Puzzles
Dimensions3 1/2 in x 2 1/8 in x 2 1/8 in

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The puzzle's goal is to remove the Black Bird from its cage.

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5 rating

1 Reviews

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    On Friday September 6th Bryan wrote,
This is a beautiful and beautifully made version of a timeless classic puzzle. I think all of the many versions of the "bird in cage" puzzles by Hryahlavolamy are equally attractive, it just depends on which birds tickle your fancy. The Edgar Allan Poe fan in me had to have the blackbird. I think a display case with all of them lined up on a shelf would look pretty nice. The puzzle itself is quite a challenge and I think the 8/10 difficulty rating is appropriate. Hand this to someone to solve and after a few minutes of fiddling around they will probably decide that it's just an ornamental curio and not an actual puzzle because the bird inside is surely not removable. After careful observation and much trial and error, the solution is very satisfying. The puzzle is quite sturdy and easy on the eyes, and the woodworking very well done as it requires some pretty tight tolerances. Though the bird in particular is solidly made and has no chips or cracks, I think an over-zealous person might accidentally snap off a leg or a beak trying to squeeze the bird out, so care with handling is advised. I would call this an essential puzzle for any collection.
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